In BIM 360 and Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) platform, Custom Attributes are essential to managing file metadata that is not regularly captured in the naming and folder structures of your files. However, at times these attributes need to be updated and maintained in order to deliver more value to all stakeholders, whether you are a design firm or a construction company.

At BlackSmithSoft, many of our customers faced a lot of issues updating custom attributes in bulk. This is why when we developed Power Search “Editor mode” our primary focus was on how to make life easier for our customers by giving them the ability to use Excel as a tool to extract, filter, update, and finally re-upload custom attributes to BIM 360 / ACC seamlessly. Having all this in excel also allows stakeholders without access to BIM 360 / Autodesk Docs to be able to review and update custom attributes, send them to the appropriate user to upload them on their behalf. One example that comes to mind is drawing lists that may be sent to the construction site and require commenting and adjusting of statuses.

In addition to Excel, many times it is required to change certain attributes that come up in search results. This is why we came up with the bulk update tool doing quick changes to custom attributes without having to go through Excel.


You can test-drive Power Search’s custom attributes editor by signing up here for a free trial.